Mike and I talk about a couple of hidden pitfalls in art freelance that affect everything in our lives, and how to get out of them, while (maybe) also making a little extra cash. This is a sometimes rowdy debate about wrangling your time management, and taking back some of your agency with clients, to ensure you get paid for all the work you do, not just what you turn in.
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DJ Roshay, Seamus Smith and I discuss the first Marvel film of 2018, Black Panther directed by Ryan Coogler. We break down the vast social commentary, high level costume design, brilliantly lived in environments, and all the stellar characters played by a terrific cast.
Also, ANNOUNCEMENT of the final delivery of the Solar Team vinyl from DJ Roshay. We have them in our hot hands! Available now from monkeygong.com/shop. $30 for the vinyl alone, $40 with a sketch.
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