Prolific, mystically imaginative and, dare I say, iconic comic book writer, television writer & novelist J.M. DeMatteis (Spider-man: Kraven's Last Hunt, Green Lantern: Willworld, Seekers: Into the Mystery, JL Dark, Scooby-Doo Apocalypse... whew!) joined me via a relatively well-behaved Skype connection for a terrific new episode!! We talk about the metaphysical underpinnings of his work, how I'm unabashedly in love with Willworld, how much it inspired/inspires me, as well as the legacy of that book and J.M.'s collaboration with the late, great Seth Fisher. We discuss our uncanny variety of shared themes, our similar lifetime obsession with metaphysics and the human mystery, including the inner journey in our work, sustaining a creative career and a helluva lot more. Top notch talk from one of my favorite guests to date, and full of more takeaways than one listen will provide.
Be sure to stay through the end to hear an AMAZING piece of comics history!
Find J.M.'s various works online or wherever you buy comics, including the new Vol. 2 collection of "the Adventures of Augusta Wind", and definitely pick up Willworld used (or on comixology) if you've never read it.
Follow J.M. DeMatteis on twitter @JMDeMatteis. Keep up with his site, where you can join his Imagination 101 workshops.
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Follow me and my comics work on twitter and instgram @kraigcomx, and follow my upcoming webcomic on my site, where you can also shop in the on-demand store!