Chris Mancini, (filmmaker, writer, comedian, podcaster, co-founder and co-organizer of the Los Angeles Podcast Festival,) braved a cranky skype connection to record this terrific episode for writers, filmmakers, comic book makers and Kickstarters. He details the Kickstarter campaign for "Alton Wright & Friends," which opens the door to his notable kickstarter successes, how to survive a campaign, and how to use the built-in community within the platform. He reveals behind the scenes info about his in-progress graphic novel project "Long Ago, and Far Away," illustrated by Fernando Pinto-- which reveals how great Print Ninja is in their community outreach via kickstarter. We also discuss utilizing a platform like Comedy Film Nerds, executing your best work judiciously, the phenomenon of universal themes present in the entire library of a creator's work, why that's a thing, we talk about his book Pacify Me: A Handbook for the Freaked Out New Dad," and he shares his thoughts on maturing as a creator. On top of it all Chris gives some valuable insights about running an online store, drops some VERY interesting news breaks about the upcoming LA Podfest 2017, potential near future podcast happenings, and news about their terrific film "Earbuds: the Podcasting Documentary," (available now at
Follow Chris on twitter @chrisjmancini and @comedyfilmnerds. Follow Earbuds @earbudspodmovie and go get your copy now at, then read the amazing array of their film crit content.
Support "Alton Wright & Friends" on kickstarter before it's gone!
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